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Short-term investing refers to buying and holding assets for a brief period, usually less than a year. The primary objective of short-term investing is to generate quick profits from market fluctuations, often by buying and selling stocks, bonds, or other assets in a short time frame. Short-term investors typically focus on technical analysis, trying to identify short-term trends and patterns in the market, and may use leverage or other speculative strategies to maximize their returns.

Long-term investing, on the other hand, refers to buying and holding assets for an extended period, usually several years or more. The primary objective of long-term investing is to achieve steady, sustainable growth in the value of an investment portfolio over time. Long-term investors typically focus on fundamental analysis, assessing the underlying strength and potential of individual companies or assets, and building a diversified portfolio that can weather market volatility and generate solid returns over the long run.
Both short-term and long-term investing strategies have their advantages and drawbacks, and the best approach for you will depend on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. Short-term investing can offer the potential for quick profits but also carries higher risks, while long-term investing tends to be more stable and reliable but may require more patience and discipline to achieve significant gains.